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Nephrite Jade Facial Roller Face Massage Roller

Original price was: $78.00.Current price is: $68.00.

Our gorgeous Facial Rollers are designed to be used as a tool to promote circulation and encourage skin cell rejuvenation. This Nephrite Jade Facial Roller will also work to stimulate the lymphatic system helping to combat puffiness and water retention on the face.

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Our gorgeous Facial Rollers are designed to be used as a tool to promote circulation and encourage skin cell rejuvenation. This Nephrite Jade Facial Roller will also work to stimulate the lymphatic system helping to combat puffiness and water retention on the face.

All parts of this Facial Roller are made from nephrite jade, including the handle – this allows skin contact not only to the roller, but also between the palm of your hand and the handle, to ensure you are getting maximum healing benefits.

100% natural & GIA Certified Nephrite Jade.

Nephrite Jade Facial Roller Benefits:

Smoothed wrinkles and fine lines.
Boosting natural collagen.
Increased circulation and ridding your skin of toxins via lymphatic drainage.
Improved facial muscle tone through increased blood flow, while sculpting the cheekbones and jawline.
Helps detoxify the skin and lead to more brightness, clarity, and a glowing complexion.
Reduction in facial puffiness and under-eye circles.

Full Face Workout

Eyes: Gently roll the small roller 3 times around the eye socket. Start where your nose hits your brow (there is a pressure point that is more sensitive than the rest of the area, this drains the sinuses when stimulated) and move outwards, roll around the top and under the eye towards the tear duct. Then place it vertically into the inner corner of the eye, using gentle rocking motion. Press lightly to encourage lymph drainage in the eye zone, ease blocked sinuses and reduce puffiness.

Forehead: From the centre of the forehead, moving either left or right, begin at the hairline, rolling slowly towards the ear. Repeat 3 to 6 times.

Nose, lips and chin: Using the large facial roller, work from the nose out to the ear. Continue with upper lip, lower lip and the chin. At the chin follow along the lower jaw line to under the earlobe. Then repeat with the other side.

For sinus pain and pressure: Dampen a washcloth and microwave about 10 seconds. Place over your forehead, eyes and cheekbones. Then, starting just above your eyebrows, using the smaller roller, roll from the centre of your face as indicated and continue down to just below your cheekbones.

Jawline and neck: Starting on the chin, work from the centre outward and upward on the cheeks. Then at the centre, make sweeping rolls under the chin towards the collarbone, working outwards to the sides of the neck.

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Nephrite Jade Facial Roller Face Massage Roller
Nephrite Jade Facial Roller Face Massage Roller

Original price was: $78.00.Current price is: $68.00.