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Why you should own a yoni egg

Why you should own a yoni egg

Throughout history, the sexual organs of women have been celebrated and regarded as the sacred centre of health, revitalization and youth. By carefully exercising the muscles within, it has long been believed that women could harness the full extent of their feminine sexual power, allowing them to remain healthy, young and brimming with vitality forever.

Yoni in Sanskrit translates to mean sacred temple, and is a term used to refer to a woman’s vagina. The yoni egg is an egg shaped semi-precious stone that is worn by a woman inside her yoni for healing purposes. Quite often yoni eggs are made from Jade which has led to them being referred to as jade eggs, although a variety of crystals are used to make yoni eggs.

It is estimated that women have been practicing with gemstone eggs for over 5,000 years. Empresses and concubines of the Royal Palace of China used eggs carved out of jade to access sexual power, awaken sensuality and maintain amazing health into their old age. Up until recently, this ancient, secret practice was only available to members of the royal family, and to select Taoist practitioners.

The Yoni Egg isn’t just a beautiful gift for imbuing your yoni with loving, healing, energy, but it is a safe and powerful tool to be used for kegel exercises, for reproductive health, to remove trauma, to increase sexual pleasure and to have more fulfilling orgasms.

The Yoni Egg is an ancient, sacred tool for spiritual transformation, which also:

Increases libido and awakens your sensuality.

Increases natural lubrication at any age!

Develops an intimate and loving relationship with your yoni, your entire body, and ultimately yourself.

Increases sensitivity during intercourse.

Helps one to access their orgasmic potential.

Assists in post-natal recovery.

Aids in gaining control over the vaginal muscles and rock your lover’s world.

Enhances your Tantra, Qigong, and Yoga practice.

Helps to reduce PMS symptoms, menstrual cramps and the duration of the menses.

Improves overall health and well-being, especially of the sexual/reproductive systems.

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